Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What is Anxiety and Depression?

There is a limited amount of evidence demonstrating the relationship between anxiety and depression. One of the most popular theories is that anxiety and depression are both largely due to the lack of a healthy amount of serotonin which gives us the ability to feel good. In a more practical sense, it is also easy to see how anxiety can cause depression and vice versa. The quality of life of individuals suffering from anxiety is weakened because of constant fear. This irrational fear leads to restrict its activities and even relationships. Of course, anyone who finds it difficult to lead a normal life feel depressed, especially because his sources of happiness are limited.

It is not uncommon that depressed people are anxious. In the same way, people who suffer from anxiety disorders can be depressed. A simple point of view: an important part of anxiety is that you feel the need to control things. That is a need to avoid. This is because anxiety makes people get stuck in constant terror and fear. Of course, everyone knows that losing a significant amount of control in their lives often feel depressed.

Regardless, it is important to look at these facts: Body of evidence shows that people who suffer from this disorder tend to suffer on the other - simultaneously. Research shows that 85 percent of people with depression also have an anxiety disorder. In addition, 35 percent of depressed people have panic attacks and may have developed a panic disorder. Regarding anxiety, the research shows that 53 percent of people who suffer from anxiety also develop severe and recurrent episodes of depression.

Many people who experience severe episodes of depression are probably suffering from a major depressive order. Experiences normally associated with this disorder include feeling extremely low energy levels of pessimism, a difficulty of sleeping, and concentrating on work and daily activities. Even simple things can easily be irritation Anger can spark. What people experience when they are depressed are also caused by anxiety.

In these cases, anxiety and depression occur simultaneously. The person suffering is more severe than when only a single point of failure in progress. Two disturbances, when in full strength, can be fatal. Statistics show a higher suicide rate for those who are diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder than those who are diagnosed with depression alone. These scenarios are exacerbated by the fact that depression and anxiety often go hand in hand.

The terrible effects of great depression accompanying anxiety are real and are experienced often. If you're one of those who also suffer from anxiety and depression, you should know that you should not only treat depression. Although it is difficult for many people, anti-anxiety is not a lost cause. If you have tried to treat this condition through drugs that offer little results, you can still find natural ways to treat anxiety.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

Generally it can be difficult to determine which state occurred in the first, but important key is to know as much as you can about each disorder, then you can start to engage in effective processing techniques to recover your life.

In many cases, depression and anxiety is a vicious circle. People with depression may find that symptoms such as sadness, loneliness and despair give way to fear and anxiety. Similarly, symptoms may create feelings of hopelessness and sadness. A major problem with the co-existence of depression and anxiety are two conditions that tend to feed each other. For example, if your depression creates anxiety symptoms of these symptoms you may feel more depressed and exhausted, his depression worse.

Symptoms of anxiety and depression often coexist, which means that if you have a problem, you may be at risk of developing other. This makes it extremely important to take the time to learn about depression and anxiety to learn to fight against the symptoms of these conditions.

All forms are the three most important factors in common. They are:
  • Extreme fear when there is no real danger
  • Has a tendency to avoid situations that are perceived to be associated with anxiety

Also keep in mind that although we all feel sad from time to time, if you suffer from anxiety, it is imperative that you begin to recognize the warning signs of depression so that they can deal with anxiety. These signs and symptoms include:
  • Feelings of sadness permanent tension or irritability, guilt, hopelessness or worthlessness
  • Decreased interest or pleasure in hobbies or business
  • Difficulty concentrating, thinking or making decisions
  • Change in sleep patterns and appetite
  • Significant weight loss or weight gain
  • Agitation and Loss of energy
  • Often thinks about death or suicide

Recognizing the symptoms of anxiety and depression and have an effective treatment, it is possible to recover from these symptoms and get your life.

It is important to understand when seeking recovery that each individual is different and so is your experience with anxiety and depression symptoms. This is because while many of the symptoms of these conditions are the same, not everyone thinks the same. In addition, due to the fact that anxiety can take many forms, your experience may be completely different to another person who also suffers from anxiety and depression. For example, in some people, symptoms appear in the form of reliving past traumatic events. Other people may be terrified of social situations because of their concern, while some people experience episodes manifested by severe symptoms such as pain and heart race.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What I Can Do About Anxiety and Depression

Many people wonder "what I can do about anxiety," but unfortunately for them some of them get the help they need and live a life filled with panic attacks and caged by fear and insecurity. While many think that anxiety is something new that came on the scene in recent years, this is not true. Anxiety has always existed. Do not have a favorite time, or prefer one gender to another or from a particular age group.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the United States with approximately 18% of people over 18 suffer from some anxiety and panic attacks. With such a large number of people suffering a similar drug companies, of course, took the opportunity to sell drugs to calm the crowd creating a subdivision of patients enslaved to drugs do not cure the problem, only that aside for a moment in the spring ready to leave again, not a solution.

It also generates a big boost for therapists based on repeated visits to pay the bills instead of real solutions to the problem. It also generated a business of hypnotherapy for people looking for quick fixes, without any real merit or understanding of their condition. Worst of all, however, is the belief of many that a disorder is established, which has led many to keep their problems to try to ignore it rather than repair them.

We can say that the state itself, it is difficult for people who suffer from anxiety attacks and panic to ask for help because they fear that their lives so often penetrates the limits of their willingness to seek and to overcome.

Self-help is a massive industry for one reason: people who take the step to change your own life without the crutch of drugs or false promises of quick and easy solutions are a step forward to start. All you need to answer your question of "what I can make the anxiety is not a board of people who have studied the state, but people who have suffered and overcome!

In this spirit, there seems to be few options for people to ask what can I do about anxiety. Drugs, therapy, or the charlatans of the soldiers in pain. There is a very important person missing from this list ... you! The most important part of therapy for anxiety is self and your desire to understand your condition and change your life.